The Power of Intention

We’ve moved! Our blog is now on our website. Be sure to click this link to be re-directed to the new URL where you can sign-up for email updates and see our latest posts!


Have you ever heard of Dr. Masutu Emoto? The name might not immediately ring a bell, but the pictures may refresh your memory. He is a researcher and author that claims human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

Dr. Emoto - Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude

Dr. Emoto’s experiments have included exposing water to various emotions, for example writing the word ‘love’ and taping it to a water bottle or having people send that intention towards the water. He then freezes samples of the water and photographs the water’s molecular structure using microscopes. It’s profound to see what water looks like when exposed to hate versus love!

Dr. Emoto - Disgust


I’m extremely grateful for Dr. Emoto’s work as it visually demonstrates the power of intention. All of the Light-Life Tools work even better when you use your intention. While the Light-Life Rings seem to amplify scalar energy (better known as life force energy), each person is already operating at a different frequency. For example, as I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, anger operates at 32 Hz while love operates at 528 Hz. Further studies have shown that disease or death can start to creep in when a person is operating at 28 Hz of energy or less.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Emoto

Speech of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Emoto’s photography shows this concept visually. Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water. If we set our intention in a certain direction it’s easy to see why our frequencies change!

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Those who operate at a higher frequency may see faster results with the tools. The reason for this is that if you are operating at a lower frequency, first the tool needs to bring your body up to a more positive frequency focusing on your physical health before the tool can have any effect on your mind or your spirit. Even if the tool doesn’t seem to be working, I ask you to give it some time. The Lotus Pendant is reported to bring your body’s DNA back to its natural blueprint in about 30-60 days when wearing it constantly. If this is the first holistic method you’ve tried, I highly recommend giving your body that time to reset. You might not see the changes but your body may be healing itself and rebalancing to center.  

New Dimension Light-LIfe Rings

New Dimension Light-Life Rings

Once your body is back in balance you can see much faster results with our tools. They can help with the physical, mental or emotional realms of the body. I’ve been witness to miraculous events: watching broken bones heal, having a client’s ripped hernia magically repair itself, animals becoming disease free without vaccines, plants rejuvenating, insects disappearing. Sometimes I have to warn our beautiful community to be careful what you wish for! If you are operating at a higher frequency and are wearing a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around your neck you can very quickly manifest your desires.

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water

Before I sign off for today, I want to leave you with your own experiment. Do you own our Practitioners Set? In the set you’ll find a Light-Life Ring, Light-Life Feedback Loop and Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil. When you set a glass of water in the Ring and attach the Feedback Loop and Acu-Vac Coil to the ring, you are super potentizing the water. Potentize is a ‘holistic’ term for balancing the pH of the water. It brings your water from a negative to a positive charge.

Light-Life Tools Feedback Loops

Light-Life Tools Feedback Loops

Please let us know how the water potentization is working for you. While a picture is worth a thousand words your health is priceless. Let us know how the potentized water makes you feel and if it’s helped you recover from any ailments. I’m always so grateful to receive your testimonials. It’s such a honor to work in a field where our tools are truly a benefit to all.

Dr. Emoto - Truth


What’s Lost is Now Found

We’ve moved! Our blog is now conveniently located on our website. Be sure to follow this link to be re-directed to our new URL where you can sign-up for the latest blog posts. Thank you for being a huge supporter of the Light-Life Technology Community!

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics are nothing new. However, it wasn’t until Slim created the Light-Life Tools in the 1990s had the world ever seen a practical application of the concepts.The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings are built using the cubit lengths that were instrumental in constructing the Great Pyramids in Giza. The Sacred, or Royal, Cubit has a length of 20.62 inches and has been confirmed by archeologists, scientists and physicists across the world.

Slim surrounded himself with a wide array of curious minds who were on a similar quest for knowledge. Hans Becker, a mathematician and genius, befriended Slim in the late 1990s and discovered the Lost Cubit in 2000. He determined the Lost Cubit was the sum of the polar and equatorial circumferences of the earth divided by the speed of light. Sacred geometry shows that there are repeating geometrical patterns of the universe and Hans uncovered one that can offer us great benefits.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1 Cubit

1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring

It’s been coined “lost” or “forbidden” cubit, as this previously unknown cubit measurement is not recorded anywhere in the ancient texts. The Lost Cubit fills a harmonic gap between the established Sacred and the Royal Cubits. It seems to be associated with the mental and emotional realm of our existence. Some call this cubit the ‘Fountain of Youth’ as it has been metaphysically attributed to longevity and rejuvenation. I think it’s fair to say that the application of our Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings are only limited by your imagination.

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Many of our clients have testified that the Lost Cubit can greatly expedite your intentions or your dreams. Please be careful what you say when wearing this ring! The one Lost Cubit has a frequency of 177 MHZ, a harmonic of the speed of light. As mentioned in our previous blog, frequencies are an important concept that will help you better understand how the tools operate. Simply put, anger operates at a frequency of 32 Hz while love operates at 528 Hz. Positive vibes really do have an impact not only on us, but on our surroundings. The concept “Thoughts become things” is nothing new!  Even Einstein adhered to this ideology when he claimed that imagination was far more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

The Lost Cubit has been found and we couldn’t be happier. We have immense gratitude for Hans Becker and that he shared this knowledge with us so we could bring it to all of you! We’d love to hear all your application of the Light-Life Lost Cubit Rings, Acu-Vac Coils and Harmonizers. No matter how you use your tools, please remember that they work with your frequency. Your intention is more powerful than you think!

Lost Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

March Tidings: “I excel!”

We’ve moved! Our blog is now conveniently located on our website. Be sure to follow this link to be redirected to our new URL where we will be posting new blog entries!

March marks the anniversary of two very important dates. Slim’s Denver Clearing Project, as well as the date we incorporated our business, IX-EL, Inc. In honor of these celebrations we are offering 20% off ALL of our Light-Life Tools. Be sure to take advantage of this special that only happens once a year. The sale ends this Thursday, March 23 at midnight.


My new marketing director was curious as to why I chose the name IX-EL for the manufacturing and distributing company of the Light-Life Tools. It was fun to recount the story of how the name came to me by spirit and how meaningful the name is not only to me, but to my team. Ixchel is the jaguar Mayan goddess of midwifery and medicine. As our tools are concerned with holistic healing and the health of mother earth, I felt the name fit us perfectly. She is also closely associated with the moon and as you read in our last blog, the moon cycles are an important, and often overlooked, system that has a deep bond with our planet.

Mother earth


According to myth, Ixchel and her husband had thirteen sons who are responsible for the creation of heaven and earth. The Light-Life Tools celebrate the relationship between body, mind and spirit. Mother Earth has definitely taken a beating from pollution, fracking, carbon dioxide, oil spills, and much more. It’s wonderful to see the current generation take action and try to restore balance to our planet and our people. Recycling and conversation has gone mainstream and I know Ixchel would be proud.

I excel!

Not only does the company name have beautiful spiritual meaning, but it’s pronunciation never fails to delight me. When my employees answer the phone they say “Hello, I excel!” I’m a big believer in positive energies and the ability to raise your vibration. When I give my staff, or I should say my family, the tools they need to succeed, the results are powerful. I’m so grateful for every single one of them. If you’ve ever taken a workshop and gotten the chance to meet the team it’s easy to understand why I adore them so much!


Please join me this month in celebrating the birth of our business. As of March 25 we will be 14 years strong! Thank you so much to all of our loyal customers, some of which have been with us since the very beginning. I’m honoring my love and respect to you with our annual special of 20% off all Light-Life Tools. This sale is for a limited time so don’t forget to take advantage and stock up on all your favorites!


March Journeys – Belfast

We’ve moved! Our blog will be updated on our website moving forward so hopefully it makes it easier for everyone to find us. 🙂 If you are having trouble please follow this link to find us. Be sure to sign-up for email updates on our latest posts:

The Light-Life® Tools are purchased and used all over the world. We’re so lucky to have such a powerful community of healers, scientists, psychologists and open-minded individuals. Each month I’ll start investigating some of the places we’ve traveled and some of the places I’d like to visit someday. It was easy to settle on Ireland this month as we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday, March 17.

Belfast, Ireland

Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, played a major role in the Industrial Revolution of the early 20th century. It is the birthplace of the infamous Titanic which met it’s end in 1912 after hitting an iceberg off the icy shores of Canada. Belfast was a global industrial center that supported innovation and construction of the aerospace and missiles industries until the early 1960s.

Ireland Landscape

“The Troubles”, as they’re coined, started when The Protestants of Northern Ireland aligned themselves with Britain and insisted that the area break apart and become part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, or the southern part of the country, was predominantly Catholic and was insistent upon a unified Irish front. This civil war erupted and lasted a good 30 years before an agreement was made in 1998. Under the “Good Friday Agreement” peace was finally achieved. Not only would I love to visit this amazing city for all the sounds, sights and smells, but it would be an opportunity for me to visit “The Giant’s Ring.”  Last but not least, it would be an opportunity to visit my dear friend Eamon and his family.

The Giant's Ring in Belfast, Ireland

“The Giant’s Ring” was a henge (think Stonehenge) built in the Neolithic period. Henges are still a mystery to most and there is great debate to their purpose. Talk to any dowser long enough and they will happily give you a key to the riddle. Much like we can detect Geopathic Stress utilizing dowsing methods, we can also detect vortices. A vortex will have either a negative or positive spin on it, depending on how the energy is flowing. Churches and henges were often built atop positive vortices. You could enter the center of the ring to get a shot of positive energy. It makes sense that no signs of habituation are detected in any of the henges found in the world. Too much of a good thing can actually be damaging and you wouldn’t want to stand in the ring for sustained amounts of time.

3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring

Don’t have time for a visit to a henge? Try taking an aura shower instead. Start with the 3 ½ Heavy Sacred Cubit Ring (roughly the size of a hula hoop) and slowly move this from above your head to your feet. Let the ring rest on the ground. Now pick up the 3 ½ Heavy Lost Cubit Ring which is a bit bigger and perform the same action: moving slowing from your head to your feet. How do you feel? Did the energy shift for you?

Many of us won’t have an opportunity to visit Ireland or a henge anytime soon, but it’s fascinating to learn that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated internationally. In fact, it is the largest celebrated national holiday all over the world. Many plan festivities around this day, but ask someone the significance of the occasion and you’ll often be greeted with blank states.

Saint Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland

Did you know that Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is not of Irish descent? Irish pirates kidnapped him from his home in England to tend to the sheep and fields of Northern Ireland. After escaping for his British home he later returned back to Ireland as a Christian missionary. A large volume of his work is undocumented, but he is said to have converted many kings and queens to the faith. He was also said to have significantly helped the poor. Although a valiant effort, St. Patrick was unable to eradicate the Pagan and Celtic practices in Ireland. For this I’m grateful as although change is inevitable, tradition has its place. It’s interesting to see a swing back to older theologies and a new respect for long forgotten dogma.

Celtic Tree of Life

Wherever you travel next I would love to hear from you.  Mindfulness is a consciousness that is quickly spreading across the globe. Our intention based tools are easy to pack and I’d love to hear from our readers and their experiences in far off places. Until then we wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Day and hope that your day, however celebrated, is filled with many blessings.

Hot Topics: Frequencies and Politics

We’ve moved! But don’t fret, it’s closer than you think! We’ve embedded our blog into our website so we are easier to find. Just in case you are having trouble finding us, please follow this link:

My favorite thing about Slim was his direct and simple way of explaining very complicated subjects. I hope I’ll be able to do the same. For the more that is understood about our tools, the more people we can affect in a positive way!

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “good vibes” and not given it much thought. Vibrations have frequencies, wavelengths and amplitudes. Frequency tells us how fast the vibration is moving. Just like we can measure how fast your car is moving down the highway in mph (miles per hour), we can measure how speedy the vibration is by using Hertz (hz). A ‘bad’ vibe such as anger has a lower frequency of 32 hz, while a ‘good’ vibe like love has a much higher frequency of 528 hz. This has been researched and documented by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Color Wavelengths

Everyone’s body has a vibrating energy field that is operating at it’s own frequency (hz). Pao Chang claims the human body vibrates at anywhere from 62-78 hz. Can you imagine what pure love would look like personified? Wow!  Pao also speaks about how cancer and disease can bring our frequencies down to the 40-50 hz range and death creeps in at about 25hz. Brings much more weight to the phrase “stay positive” doesn’t it?

Wavelength of Love

The Light-Life® Tools we’ve created are said to operate at a much higher frequency or if you’re following thus far, a much more positive vibe. 😉 To break it down, 1 Megahertz (MHz) is equivalent to 1 million(mega)  Hertz (z) or, 1 MHz = 1,000,000 hz.  That’s some fast energy!  Based upon our field work and findings, our 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Rings operate at a frequency of 144 MHz, which is a harmonic of light speed. It relates directly to the solid matter of the earth and is said to aid in healing discomfort in the physical realm. Our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring operates at a frequency of 177 MHz which may deal with the mental and emotional issues of a person. We often find a significant release in those areas when using the Lost Cubit.

1 Sacred Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Sacred Light-Life® Ring is said to emit a frequency of 144 MHz

So what does all this talk about energy and its speed mean for you? Well, hopefully this gives a good illustration of how the tools interact differently with each person.  Are you operating at 62 hz or a higher, positive vibe of 78 hz? Do you suffer from any disease? Emotional trauma? These things will slow down your frequency, aka vibe, and therefore the tools may take a bit longer to bring you back up. Are you a genius with your brain operating at approximately 80hz? Awesome! You would likely see a much faster interaction with the tools in any area of your own personal healing.

Right now we are dealing with a very volatile political climate that seems to be bringing many emotional discomfort or pain. While at first it might seem useful to direct your energies towards your outrage or distrust, you are essentially doing yourself a disservice as you are in turn lower your frequency, or in simpler terms, your vibe. A small suggestion I have for our community is to change the channel on social media. It’s tempting to join the political debates, but why don’t you direct your energy (your frequency) to something that brings you joy? I’ve seen a lot of like-minded people adapt this mode of operation in the last few weeks and there has been a resurgence of animal videos, quotes of inspiration and many posts about small acts of kindness.

Positive energy grows

Positive energy grows!

In addition to redirecting your energy towards the positive and raising your vibration, you can use our tools in tandem for an extra boost. When my employees need some extra support to stay focused they will put a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring around their neck. This seems to also help them balance, re-center, focus and come back to a state of emotional peace. If you have a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring wear it around your neck next time you feel you need some support to stay focused and let me know how it works for you. Some of my friend used to wear a Lost Cubit heavy ring around their neck as jewelry. They loved it and sure got some attention.

1 Lost Cubit Heavy Light-Life (R)

Our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Light-Life® Ring makes a powerful necklace!

Ask Katharina

We’ve moved! Our blog is now located directly on our website for easy reference. Please follow this link to continue reading. Be sure to sign-up for updates!

Questions and curiosity are an everyday part of my work with the Light-Life® Tools. Recently, I brought on a new Marketing Director, and she encouraged me to start sharing some of the questions I receive publicly so that everyone can benefit from the knowledge shared. Do you have a question? Don’t be shy to reach out and ask! At IX-EL, Inc. we encourage everyone to let go of judgement to make room for enlightenment. Here are a collection of questions I’ve received recently which I think are rightly aligned with our intentions of cleansing and renewal in the month of March.  Enjoy!

-Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life® Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water


Dear Katharina,

Even into adulthood I seem to struggle with acne. Is it possible to utilize the tools to attain clearer skin?


Brittany S.

Light-Life (R) Tools Feedback Loop

Light-Life® Feedback Loop, one of the tools found in our practitioner set


Dear Brittany,

Acne is something that many of us have struggled with at some point in our lives! While some would think of this as a purely aesthetic discussion, your face is the first thing other people see and I believe that breakouts can lead to a breakdown of self-confidence. I remember Slim telling me a story once of a gentleman who drank plentiful amounts of super potentized water and his entire face cleared up in a matter of about six weeks! Although I cannot guarantee the same results, I do suggest you give it a try. You can find out how to potentize your water by watching one of our videos or reading more in our blog.

Warm regards,


Work Stress can be negated utilizing the Light-Life (R) Tools

Dear Katharina,

My work environment has been slightly toxic and extremely stressful lately. Do you have any suggestions on working with the tools to help restore me back to center after a long, hard day?

Thank you,

James P.


1 Lost Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring


Dear James,

Well we wouldn’t be human if we weren’t susceptible to stress. It’s a daily part of life and it’s truly a life-long practice to learn how to move through each day with openness, strength and centeredness. The tools are a great instrument to help bring you back to center. I have three suggestions that you might want to try:

  • Place a 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring on top of your head for increased focus and clarity. You may also consider sitting on top of one if you think your desk mates might give you a weird look if placed on your crown. 🙂
  • Try wearing one of our Lotus Pendants underneath your work shirt. One of my friends was in the midst of an immense amount of chaos that was causing her to feel emotional discomfort and overwhelm. She immediately felt a huge sense of relief after putting the pendant on, and it continued over time.
  • You may want to try wearing a Unity Personal Harmonizer as our clients have reported excellent results of re-centering and balance. In addition, the tool seems to protect the user from unfriendly people. Harmonizers are said to create spherical light fields around them. They can restore harmony not only to the wearer but they may help reset the energy of those who come in contact with the field.can

As always, please keep me posted on what method you choose and let me know how it is working for you. I can talk about the results I’ve seen, but it’s so much more powerful when we have our clients provide us with testimonials of how the tools are affecting their lives. May a much more stress-free zone be right around the corner for you!

Warm regards,


Unity Light-Life (R) Personal Harmonizer Pendant

Unity Light-Life® Personal Harmonizer Pendant

Dear Katharina,

About a year ago I lost my beautiful wife to cancer. While I want to give myself ample space to grieve, I also know that I can’t wallow in this space of sadness forever. I want to start moving through this pain so I can be a happy, productive soul again one day, if not for myself, for our three beautiful children. I love your tools and would appreciate your guidance on how to help me move through this tough time.

-Mike G.

The Light-Life (R) Tools are said to help with grief.

Dear Mike,

I am so sorry for your loss. The only certainty we seem to have in life is that one day it will come to an end, and for some that ending feels way too soon. I had a woman in Germany who lost her brother suddenly and wanted to help her sister-in-law heal. She used the 3 ½ Sacred and Lost Cubit Light-Life®  Rings as well as Light-Life® Feedback Loop to provide her sister with an “aura shower”. First she had her sister stand and held the 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring over her sister’s head and slowly brought it all the way down to her feet. She then did the same with the 3 ½ Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring. After this process she encouraged her sister to lay down and did a body scan with our Large Lost Light-Life® Feedback Loop. The results were immediate and easily noticeable to the family present. Her sister’s body and face moved fairly quickly from strain and trauma associated with the sudden passing of her loved one to a relaxed place of peace. I recommend that you work with a close loved one or knowledgeable healer to provide yourself with your own “aura shower” and see if it provides you with the same sense of centering. It’s been 10 years since Slims’s passing and you’ll often find me wearing my 1/4 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Lotus Pendant.  I found it helped me move through the grief.

Warm regards,


3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

3 1/2 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring