For The Love of Science

We’ve moved! Our blog is now conveniently located on our website. Be sure to follow the link to be re-directed to the correct URL where you can sign-up for email updates and see our latest blog posts.

Recently we had a disgruntled person post on our Instagram wall proclaiming “I hate pseudoscience!” Well, what if we just simply called it ‘science’? Because now we can! I’m so excited to share the news that in my last journey to Germany I was able to meet with Akiko Stein, a student of late Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you aren’t familiar with Dr. Emoto’s work please take a moment out of your day to show respect for this scientist and researcher who demonstrated that our intentions (emotions) have an effect on the molecular structure of water. Pretty remarkable isn’t it? You know the expression “thoughts become things”? Well, it bears a bit more weight after taking time to visit Dr. Emoto’s work.


Mrs. Stein was kind enough to meet with me and showed great enthusiasm for the Light-Life Tools. Our Light-Life Rings are said to amplify Life Force (Chi) energy and Mrs. Stein’s work will be able for us to provide proof for this claim. Although we can’t share all the secrets behind Mrs.  Stein’s process, we can share these images. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words and we can’t agree enough. What do you think of the results?

Tap Water - Microscopic View - Dr. Masuru Emoto

Tap Water – Photograph by Dr. Emoto’s student, Akiko Stein

Water through the Light-Life Ring

Water Running Through the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – Photograph by Akiko Stein

While it might take a second for this soak in, let us acknowledge that these photographs have not been digitally photo-shopped or altered in any way. You are witnessing the photography of water under a microscope before and after the introduction of a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Pretty profound to see the changes happening so rapidly!

Water Through a Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes

Water sitting in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring for 15 minutes – Photograph by Akiko Stein

What does this mean for you? Well seeing that your body is composed of 65% water and that doctors recommend that you drink six 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day (based upon weight), it might be meaningful for you to pick up a ½ Sacred Cubit 24 K gold plated Light-Life Ring. Try it for 30 days and see if you notice any changes. We have testimonials from our clients that this potentized water helps with sleep, restores balance, clears acne, aids with digestion and so much more!

Water in a Light-Life Ring Overnight

Water left in a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring overnight – Photo by Akiko Stein

We are so grateful to Mrs. Stein and her team for taking the time to include the Light-Life Tools in their work. Although the imagery is gorgeous and moving, their mission continues on with the Dr. Emoto Peace Project. They are bringing the images and their book into schools to help educate children on the power of intention. For it’s love that is inherent and only hate that is taught, Mrs. Stein hopes that the powerful imagery will encourage children to think twice before they shoot a hateful remark at a fellow classmate.

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1/2 Cubit, Copper with 24K gold plating

Ask Katharina

We’ve moved! Be sure to follow the link to be re-directed to our correct URL where you can sign-up for email blasts with our latest updates! We made the move to be closer to home. Our blog is now conveniently located on our website!


Thank you all so much for continuing to build our beautiful community. It’s such a joy to learn how you are applying the tools to your daily life. Each month I plan on including actual questions from customers in this column to help us all benefit from the shared knowledge. If you have a question for me, please don’t be shy and leave a comment below!

Back Pain

Dear Katharina,

I’ve suffered from chronic back and shoulder pain for years now. My friend mentioned to me that I might try out the Light-Life Tools as they are said to alleviate physical discomfort. Could you please point me in the right direction? What is the best tool for me to start with? How is it applied? Do I need to be trained in energy healing in order for the tool to work properly?


Katie D., Boulder, CO

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Ring

Dear Katie,

I’m so sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Unfortunately it’s more common than one might think in today’s environment. We’ve had hundreds of testimonials from customers that choose to use the Light-Life Tools with great results. While we can’t make any promises and guarantees (everyone’s situation is different), I would like to recommend using one of our Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. The Sacred Cubit seems to work best in the physical realm. One method of discomfort relief is to take a ½ or 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring and tuck it in your pants or belt. Some customers have suggested first tying the ring to a string so you don’t lose it when changing or using the bathroom.  I would also suggest buying a 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring to put under your bed.  This is said to be a wonderful sleep aid. The tools are reported to amply life force energy which can work on your aches and pains while you slumber. What I love about the tools is how easy they are to be incorporated into everyday life. You don’t need a special training, even children can use them with great results!

Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil

The Light-Life Acu-Vac Coils come in a variety of sizes and alloys

In an addition to your new Sacred Light-Life Rings, please be sure to pick up a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil for your shoulder.  I’m a big believer that every first aid kit should contain this versatile tool!  In your specific case you’ll need to place the coil under your armpit with the bead pointing away from your shoulder. Much like a vacuum, the coil gets it’s name as it’s said to suck away physical discomfort. Please give these items a try and let me know how they are working out. Testimonials are what help us get the word out about these revolutionary items.

Warm regards,



Dear Katharina,

I’m grateful to learn that you’ve dedicated the month of May to remembrance. I recently lost my dear cat Coconut and I find myself incredibly depressed. It’s painful to hear others tell me that I should “get over it” or “she was just a cat”. To me, Coco was a part of my family. Do you have any tools that help alleviate depression? I would like to find peace over my loss and move on as best I can. I know you love animals so I appreciate your advice.

Thank you,

Gwen F., San Francisco, CA

Sacred Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Personal Harmonizer

Dear Gwen,

I totally understand, our animals are part of our family and life and to lose one is extremely painful. Recently I received a powerful report from a young woman with depression who got great relief from one of our Lost Cubit Mini Personal Harmonizers. I would like to recommend checking out our website and looking at our pendants and Personal Harmonizers and then choosing what you feel most attracted to. The answer is never wrong as these are intention based tools that work directly with your own energies to bring about the desired results. Go with your gut and let me know what you choose! Depression is a mental disorder that has such an awful stigma. It’s nice to see that sentiment dissipating as we talk about it more openly and honestly than ever before. If you feel overwhelmed, I strongly suggest that you go and see your doctor. Holistic medicine and traditional medicine work very nicely with one another. I believe in a balance of both and want to make sure you are getting all the help that you need!

Sending you many blessings and hopes for happier days.

Warm regards,


Stressed Out

Dear Katharina.

I recently started a new, very demanding job. Overwhelming impressions, new technologies to learn and I also have some personal stress and home that affects my ability to focus. Is there any Light-Life Tool that could possibly help me? I need all the help I can get.

Thank you,

Anne-Marie C., Boston, MA

Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring - 1 Cubit

1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring

Dear Anne-Marie,
I know the feeling! I think we’ve all had moments in our lives when we are overwhelmed. When I get overloaded I like to our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings around my neck. The 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring doesn’t fit over everybody’s head, but our Empowerment Ring does. I gave the Empowerment Ring to one my employees when she went through a very stressful situation in her life. I also gave her a Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant (gold plated) and this combination worked very well for her.  By the way, the ring looks great as a necklace! Let me know if this did the trick.

Wishing you all the best in your new job and calm and peace for your personal situation.



The Power of Intention

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Have you ever heard of Dr. Masutu Emoto? The name might not immediately ring a bell, but the pictures may refresh your memory. He is a researcher and author that claims human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

Dr. Emoto - Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude

Dr. Emoto’s experiments have included exposing water to various emotions, for example writing the word ‘love’ and taping it to a water bottle or having people send that intention towards the water. He then freezes samples of the water and photographs the water’s molecular structure using microscopes. It’s profound to see what water looks like when exposed to hate versus love!

Dr. Emoto - Disgust


I’m extremely grateful for Dr. Emoto’s work as it visually demonstrates the power of intention. All of the Light-Life Tools work even better when you use your intention. While the Light-Life Rings seem to amplify scalar energy (better known as life force energy), each person is already operating at a different frequency. For example, as I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, anger operates at 32 Hz while love operates at 528 Hz. Further studies have shown that disease or death can start to creep in when a person is operating at 28 Hz of energy or less.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Emoto

Speech of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Emoto’s photography shows this concept visually. Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water. If we set our intention in a certain direction it’s easy to see why our frequencies change!

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Light-Life Tools Lotus Pendant

Those who operate at a higher frequency may see faster results with the tools. The reason for this is that if you are operating at a lower frequency, first the tool needs to bring your body up to a more positive frequency focusing on your physical health before the tool can have any effect on your mind or your spirit. Even if the tool doesn’t seem to be working, I ask you to give it some time. The Lotus Pendant is reported to bring your body’s DNA back to its natural blueprint in about 30-60 days when wearing it constantly. If this is the first holistic method you’ve tried, I highly recommend giving your body that time to reset. You might not see the changes but your body may be healing itself and rebalancing to center.  

New Dimension Light-LIfe Rings

New Dimension Light-Life Rings

Once your body is back in balance you can see much faster results with our tools. They can help with the physical, mental or emotional realms of the body. I’ve been witness to miraculous events: watching broken bones heal, having a client’s ripped hernia magically repair itself, animals becoming disease free without vaccines, plants rejuvenating, insects disappearing. Sometimes I have to warn our beautiful community to be careful what you wish for! If you are operating at a higher frequency and are wearing a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around your neck you can very quickly manifest your desires.

Slim Spurling's Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set

Light-Life Tools Practitioner Set, used here to potentize water

Before I sign off for today, I want to leave you with your own experiment. Do you own our Practitioners Set? In the set you’ll find a Light-Life Ring, Light-Life Feedback Loop and Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil. When you set a glass of water in the Ring and attach the Feedback Loop and Acu-Vac Coil to the ring, you are super potentizing the water. Potentize is a ‘holistic’ term for balancing the pH of the water. It brings your water from a negative to a positive charge.

Light-Life Tools Feedback Loops

Light-Life Tools Feedback Loops

Please let us know how the water potentization is working for you. While a picture is worth a thousand words your health is priceless. Let us know how the potentized water makes you feel and if it’s helped you recover from any ailments. I’m always so grateful to receive your testimonials. It’s such a honor to work in a field where our tools are truly a benefit to all.

Dr. Emoto - Truth


Earth Harmonies

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Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

April is one of my favorite months. It’s my birthday, the spring weather is beautiful and most importantly, all of us get to join in to celebrate Earth Day! Earth Day was inspired by activist Rachel Carson, whose writings sparked the global environmental movement. Her most famous work Silent Spring aired on CBS in 1963 and brought international awareness about the negative effects pesticides have on the planet.

Senator Gaylord Nelson

Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin

The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970. It was an initiative created by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who much like Ms. Carson, thought environmental issues were not being taken seriously. His efforts proved to resonate with the people as over 20 million people around the world chose to join in the celebration. Now we have over 250 million around the globe who join in celebrating Mother Earth and focusing on ways we can conserve our beautiful planet.

Light-Life Washtub Harmonizer

The Light-Life Washtub Harmonizer is the largest Harmonizer we produce

I know Slim would be so thrilled to know how much the crowds have increased over the years in our efforts on environmental conservation. He built the Light-Life Harmonizers with his intentions set on restoring the health of the planet. In one of his interviews he was asked if pollution could completely be eradicated and the damage reversed. In true Slim form he simply replied “I don’t see why not!”. He estimated that if an Agricultural Harmonizer is placed every 70-80 miles from the North to South pole that the atmosphere would be 99% clear of any smog or pollution. Isn’t that an incredible thought?

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes

After Slim’s passing I made it my mission to carry on his legacy. Not only do I have a deep respect for the tools my late husband left in his wake, but his purpose was something we can continue to benefit from forever. If we all lived our lives that way, thinking about what we can contribute to the planet rather than what we can take, then I truly believe this would be an absolutely gorgeous and peaceful place for all to live.

Native American Proverb

Mother Earth gives all of us life. We wouldn’t be able to breathe, eat or drink without her bountiful gifts. Much like Slim, I believe we can restore her back to balance. Sad, but true, we could have a learned a lot from our Native American ancestors who respected the planet in such a way that they only took what they needed. They did their best to live in harmony with the animals and plants in their immediate environment.

Oil spills are destroying our oceans

No animal should have to live like this. What will you do to help?

Einstein once said that we can’t use the same technology to fix a problem created by it. The Light-Life Tools are a completely new approach to restoring the environment. Changing our ways of interacting with the environment is not going to change overnight. We are starting to recycle more, but the rate of change is not faster than the current destruction. Our oceans are becoming more polluted each year and the coral reefs which provide safety to thousands of creatures are slowly being eroded. Fracking, which is still a popular method for oil extraction from the land, is said to cause extreme devastation to the land and cause earthquakes.


While all this information may seem bleak, it’s important to stay informed and it’s important to know that their is a solution. The most important purchase you could probably make in a lifetime is a Light-Life Harmonizer. Not only are you taking a small step for mankind, but you can see immediate results in your life. Our research and findings are immense and we hope you’ll do your part in helping us spread the word about this brilliant new technology based upon ancient knowledge.And, remember, it’s heirloom which you can pass on from generation to generation!

Light-Life Harmonizers

The Light-Life Harmonizers come in a ton of different sizes!

I’m wishing you a very happy Earth Day! Please be sure to share your images of your Harmonizers at work! We ask that you all activate yours with the Environmental Clearing CD on Saturday, April 22 as we join together in helping our earth heal.

Earth Day

April’s Spirit Animal – The Bovine

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April is my birthday month! While as many get older and start to dread their birthday, I’m all about celebrations. I mean what is the alternative?! I love any excuse to spread joy and happiness and that is what my birthday means to me. It makes sense as I am a Taurus, and I would go to any lengths for my friends or family. It’s a day not so much about me, but having fun with those I love around me.


Taurus is represented by the bull: stubborn, determined, reliable and strong. I thought it would be fun this month to make our spirit animal the bovine to include the bull’s relatives, the cow and the buffalo!

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Wash Tub Light-Life Harmonizer

Here in Colorado the buffalo has tons of significance as it is the mascot for many of our sports teams. My team often drives by them on their way to work as our office is in farm country. This majestic beast always make me think of my dear friend Tanah who has a ranch in Montana. She has testified that after receiving the Washtub Harmonizer, the largest Harmonizer we manufacture, she has seen an incredible transformation of her land and most importantly, her animals. She claims that she does not worm or vaccine any of her buffalo and the entire herd has been disease free for years. A pretty powerful testimonial!


Tanah also tells a beautiful story about her Buffalo named Junior. Although he was about 6 feet tall and 8 feet long, he was still smaller than his father, hence his nickname. He had injured Victor, one of her farmhands. Since the incident Victor was terrified of the buffalo where he used to run freely amongst them. As the story goes, Tanah was at the farm when she saw Junior come over the hill and run towards the house. She immediately called to Victor and the rest of her staff as where one bull goes, they all go as a herd. She assumed they all must of broken through the fence. As time passed they learned Junior had broken through two of the fences by himself to return back to the ranch and left the herd behind. Tanah is convinced it was to make peace with Victor. She tells us that the buffalo taught her about harmony and how we are all, humans and animals, part of one family.

Sacred Cow

In India, they may take their love of the bovine even further with their devotion to the sacred cow. There are more than 3,000 Gaushalas that care for the cows around the country. It’s been reported that over 45 million cows reside in India. The largest cow population in the world!


I love the idea of adopting a spirit animal every month because it reminds me of the beauty of Mother Earth. We are so lucky to live amongst such gorgeous creatures. After Slim’s passing I’ve made it my mission to carry on his legacy. His purpose was to restore harmony and balance to the planet. If we would have a Harmonizer in every community can you imagine how beautiful our world could be? After all, our company motto is “Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time”. Sending lots of love to all my fellow Taurus this month.


April Intentions: Restoration

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Tree Planting

Here in Colorado we’ve welcomed April with a snow shower! However, our thoughts and the intentions are set towards spring and restoration. April marks Earth Day, which is celebrated by approximately 250 Million people around the globe. Environmental conservation has gone mainstream and we’re so grateful for it as the earth desperately needs our attention. I’m a big believer in positive energies and raising your vibration. Instead of focusing on all the damage we’ve caused Mother Earth, I’d like to focus this month on what we can do to help restore her beauty. You could plant a tree, make a promise to only buy sustainable goods, get involved with local environmental legislation or you could simply buy an Environmental Harmonizer.

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer

Slim created the Light-Life® Harmonizer with the earth’s restoration and health in mind. It was a happy coincidence to discover that this powerful tool could also bring many benefits to our personal lives. He also wanted to help farmers to get better crop without the use of harmful pesticides, hence the Agricultural Harmonizer was born. The healers in his community finally persuaded him to create a smaller version that they could wear around their neck when working with clients. The  Personal Harmonizers are result of that, which have evolved over time and are available now in all three Cubit measurements, the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit. Our Light-Life® Jewelry was not far away. We’ve recently been reviewing Slim’s writings and came across this powerful thought:

The Environmental Harmonizer may be used in clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farms fields flourish in its environment. Plants grow lush, full and strong. Birds, butterflies and worms thrive and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive beneficial energy.

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

Synergy Personal Light-Life Harmonizer in Silver

We cannot give any guarantees as there are so many factors that influence the outcome of working with the Light-Life Tools. They are energy based and if someone is operating at a lower frequency than the tools will have a less powerful effect. However, my expectation is as the collective conscious continues to grow that our tools will be more widely accepted. Let’s not forget that there was a time when people believed that the world was flat! And that without a scientist’s mistake, Penicillin, a drug created from mold to fight infection, would never been achieved. Before restoration can truly occur, there needs to be acceptance and a truly open mind.

Matrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K

Maxtrix 22 Light-Life Harmonizer in 24K Gold Plating

As we set our intention towards restoration we have to accept responsibility for what has happened to our planet. While passing the blame might be top of mind as pollution is generational, nothing will be accomplished until we have acceptance that we are all in this together. We only have one earth and we need to nurture and restore her together.

Slim was once questioned in an interview if world peace could be obtained with use of the Harmonizers. He humbly said “I don’t see why not!” Slim was a man of discovery, research and action. He and his friends joined together for the
Denver Clearing Project. If more people joined together in these types of efforts imagine what we could do! We encourage you to join our community in conversation, workshops and stay tuned for our webinars which will be launched later in the year. However you choose to approach restoration this month, remember one thing: It starts with you.

Going Green for Earth Day

It’s So Easy Being Green

We’ve moved! Our blog is now located directly on our website. Be sure to follow the link and sign-up for email updates. Unfortunately we won’t be posting any new content on this site. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Green CatapillarAs we wrap up the month of March, I’d like us to revisit our intention of cleansing and renewal. How did it go for you? At the office we threw out some of our old ideologies and habits for new ones, most of which you’ve seen in our new communication style. It’s been so fun having Jacqueline, our new Marketing Director, join the team. She brings fresh eyes to our products and a sense of curiosity. When she mentioned that she wanted to explore color in this week’s blog at first I didn’t quite understand the significance of the topic.

Green Light

Color is defined as the quality of an object with respect to the light reflecting off or emitting from the object. An interesting description as many of us take color for granted everyday. If anything color is an illusion as it’s simply a reflection and nothing more. What makes it even more fascinating is that it relates back to light and light speed. Green operates at a frequency of 526-606 terahertz, THz or 526-606 trillion hertz. To refresh your knowledge on frequencies from our previous blog post, anger operates at 32 Hz while love operates at a much higher frequency of 528 Hz. Now try wrapping yourself around something operating in the trillions of that speed!  Light, specifically eye visible color, travels extremely fast.

Eqyptian Makeup

Not only is green speedy, but it has significant meaning. As we get our cubit lengths from the Great Pyramid, it seems fitting to review their perception on this vibrant tone. Green seemed to be a protectant and green makeup, crafted using crushed malachite, was placed around the eyes to ward off evil. It was also seen as the color as vegetation and growth which was marked by the use for the papyrus leaf in hieroglyphics to symbolize the color.

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Green is a perfect choice for the month of March as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the coming of spring. We can’t wait to watch the rolling brown hills of Colorado slowly, but surely come back to life in the vivacious hue. Green is also is the color adopted by many environmental organizations, such as the aptly named Greenpeace. As we watch the cold frost slowly slip away to make room for bright new blooms we’ll be sure to activate our Light-Life Environmental Harmonizers. Slim’s journey started with a mission to help alleviate the planet from air pollution. One of his first inventions was the Harmonizer. He was also aware of the fact that not only do our harmonizers restore balance to the planet, but they can restore our personal physical, emotional and spiritual realms back to balance.

Green Mother Earth

Next time you find yourself in nature be sure to take in all the greenery, breathe deep and give thanks to this gorgeous planet we call home. By joining us on our journey to harmonize the world you aren’t only giving yourself the gift of good health, but you are playing a crucial role in bringing Mother Earth back into equilibrium. May you enter into spring renewed, cleansed and ready to take on the next adventure!

Plants love the Light-Life Rings Too

Hot Topics: Frequencies and Politics

We’ve moved! But don’t fret, it’s closer than you think! We’ve embedded our blog into our website so we are easier to find. Just in case you are having trouble finding us, please follow this link:

My favorite thing about Slim was his direct and simple way of explaining very complicated subjects. I hope I’ll be able to do the same. For the more that is understood about our tools, the more people we can affect in a positive way!

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “good vibes” and not given it much thought. Vibrations have frequencies, wavelengths and amplitudes. Frequency tells us how fast the vibration is moving. Just like we can measure how fast your car is moving down the highway in mph (miles per hour), we can measure how speedy the vibration is by using Hertz (hz). A ‘bad’ vibe such as anger has a lower frequency of 32 hz, while a ‘good’ vibe like love has a much higher frequency of 528 hz. This has been researched and documented by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Color Wavelengths

Everyone’s body has a vibrating energy field that is operating at it’s own frequency (hz). Pao Chang claims the human body vibrates at anywhere from 62-78 hz. Can you imagine what pure love would look like personified? Wow!  Pao also speaks about how cancer and disease can bring our frequencies down to the 40-50 hz range and death creeps in at about 25hz. Brings much more weight to the phrase “stay positive” doesn’t it?

Wavelength of Love

The Light-Life® Tools we’ve created are said to operate at a much higher frequency or if you’re following thus far, a much more positive vibe. 😉 To break it down, 1 Megahertz (MHz) is equivalent to 1 million(mega)  Hertz (z) or, 1 MHz = 1,000,000 hz.  That’s some fast energy!  Based upon our field work and findings, our 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Rings operate at a frequency of 144 MHz, which is a harmonic of light speed. It relates directly to the solid matter of the earth and is said to aid in healing discomfort in the physical realm. Our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring operates at a frequency of 177 MHz which may deal with the mental and emotional issues of a person. We often find a significant release in those areas when using the Lost Cubit.

1 Sacred Light-Life (R) Ring

1 Sacred Light-Life® Ring is said to emit a frequency of 144 MHz

So what does all this talk about energy and its speed mean for you? Well, hopefully this gives a good illustration of how the tools interact differently with each person.  Are you operating at 62 hz or a higher, positive vibe of 78 hz? Do you suffer from any disease? Emotional trauma? These things will slow down your frequency, aka vibe, and therefore the tools may take a bit longer to bring you back up. Are you a genius with your brain operating at approximately 80hz? Awesome! You would likely see a much faster interaction with the tools in any area of your own personal healing.

Right now we are dealing with a very volatile political climate that seems to be bringing many emotional discomfort or pain. While at first it might seem useful to direct your energies towards your outrage or distrust, you are essentially doing yourself a disservice as you are in turn lower your frequency, or in simpler terms, your vibe. A small suggestion I have for our community is to change the channel on social media. It’s tempting to join the political debates, but why don’t you direct your energy (your frequency) to something that brings you joy? I’ve seen a lot of like-minded people adapt this mode of operation in the last few weeks and there has been a resurgence of animal videos, quotes of inspiration and many posts about small acts of kindness.

Positive energy grows

Positive energy grows!

In addition to redirecting your energy towards the positive and raising your vibration, you can use our tools in tandem for an extra boost. When my employees need some extra support to stay focused they will put a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring around their neck. This seems to also help them balance, re-center, focus and come back to a state of emotional peace. If you have a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring wear it around your neck next time you feel you need some support to stay focused and let me know how it works for you. Some of my friend used to wear a Lost Cubit heavy ring around their neck as jewelry. They loved it and sure got some attention.

1 Lost Cubit Heavy Light-Life (R)

Our 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Light-Life® Ring makes a powerful necklace!